Thursday, July 5, 2012

Post Surgery!

Well it is Thursday of the 4th of July week and I am home recuping from gall bladder surgery.  Now, I am not one of those babies about pain.  There were a whole lot of people who lied to me about this surgery!  I was told over and over again that being it is laproscopic surgery I would be good as new in 3 days....bull cr%#@!  I had two caeserean's with my pregnancies and although this isn't quite as painful as that it was a close second!  Can't wear pants at all yet...rubs against two of the incisions and hurts.  Can't sleep on my side because that pulls everything and that hurts.  Just a pain in the putukiss!  Looking forward to it being over alltogether.  I am also still recuping from throwing my back out last Tuesday night after a sewing class.  I was putting my machine back in the car and lo and behold I hear this "pop" and feel this "pinch" in my back.  By the time I got home I was in agony.  I had to cancel Thursday nights class and then again on Saturday.  The "pinching" pain is still there if I go up and down steps or turn the wrong way so I am thinking it is sciatica.  My left thigh goes numb as well if I stand too long in one position.  I gotta tell you this getting older stuff is for the birds...certainly not golden years.

Even with all that going on I have been sewing.  I am hand sewing on my crazy quilt which I will post when I finish it.  It is made from 30's fabrics.  I also was working on the wool BOM we are doing.  So I have been busy with it all.  I think I will go through some of my pictures and post a few of the quilts I have done in the last year or so.

The bottom one was made for my 6 yr. old grandaughter for her "big girl" bed.  It is Joanna's Garden from the Elm Creek books.  Above that is a cardinal holiday wall hanging and above that is a Christmas holly red/white checkerboard designed by Barbara Fein at our local quilt shop.  Above that is a  quilt called "hanging gardens" that we did as a class and above that is a stained glass window effect done as a stack n whack.  At the top are some stocking ornaments I donated for the craft fair at church last year. 

The three pictures above those are a flannel that I made three of for my sons-in-laws, a pillow for Christmas and a picture of all my kids with their Christmas gift quilts for their beds.

Last year was a real busy year for me in the sewing room.  I made so many more that I don't have pictures for.  When I look back I wonder how I found the time (and money) to do them all.  I know that I loved doing it!

Tomorrow will be my first day driving after the surgery....guess where I am going?  That's Friday Night Sit N Sew with the girls!  Can't let a little thing like a major operation stop me from going.  Off to rest up for it.........good night!

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